Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
We all know about that special first dance each newlywed couple performs at their reception. However, not everyone is comfortable with dancing or being the center of attention. Here are three things you can do instead of a first dance that might be more comfortable and still just as meaningful.
Sing A Song Together
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
Instead of doing a first dance, you and your partner can sing a song together. You can pick a song that you heard on your first date or even one that you just both really love. You can even use an equipment setup that can turn into a karaoke machine later on in the night!
Do A Ceremonial Toast With Champagne
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
The first dance is supposed to be celebratory. An alternative celebratory activity that you can do together is pop champagne to get the reception party started! You can order a bottle with a specialized label or engraved bottle and even save the cork or bottle as a souvenir.
Perform a More Personalized First
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
Your first can be an activity that you and your partner like doing together. For instance if you play tennis you can do a first tennis serve, you can have a unique first carriage/boat ride to your reception, or you can do a lightsaber battle if you’re a Star Wars fan. The possibilities are endless, as long as you do something meaningful to you to mark your new life together!
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
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