Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings Bridesmaids celebrate a Cajun tradition
This week’s couple is Madeleine and JJ. Their wedding took place at one of our favorite venues Naylor Hall. They were two volleyball players who found love off the courts. Even a two and a half meter tall net could not keep them apart.
It is always an honor shooting at such a lovely historic wedding venue such as Naylor Hall. What makes Naylor such a wonderful venue is it’s gracious and welcoming staff. The Venue is located on the historic Canton Street that has been going through Roswell for close to 200 years. From Canton street you can see the large rolling lawn that leads up to Naylor Hall, as well as the large horseshoe drive. The grand entrance to the building has large fluted columns and a wonderful front porch where you can have your wedding.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
The couple had several details that were very unique and reflected their personality. The whole ceremony had a rustic cajun sort of vibe. The first thing I noticed were the boutonnieres for the guys which had real bullet casings holding them together. I also loved the simple wooden handmade and engraved ring boxes. The wedding cake had a little detail on it that was so cool! There were strands of pearls hanging from the base of the cake. It turned out these were bracelets for the bridesmaids and at the end were symbolic trinkets that corresponded to cards that told the bridesmaid’s future or personality trait. What I believed was the most thoughtful detail came from the bride. She had these handwritten notes for everyone in her wedding party and family. It reflected how caring and thankful she was to everyone at her wedding.
The groom, JJ, and the groomsmen arrived first, so the photography started with the guys. As soon as we were finished I tucked them away and let the bride, Madeleine,know that it was safe to come into the venue and not be seen. The bridesmaids were real pros and ninja fast. When they were dressed they rushed downstairs and got ready for the bride’s big reveal! They all could not have been more excited. I had the bridesmaids turn their backs to the stairs so they could not see Madeleine when she arrived. When the bride got into place I counted down and they turned around and were so giddy! It was truly one of those moments when you see how supportive all those women were of each other.
The ceremony took place in front of the venue. JJ was on the porch with the minister and his father who is ordained also. The two of them were going to perform the ceremonytogether, which was a nice touch. There was one surprise that know one knew about and that was the bride’s entrance. Her father had rented an antique Volkswagen bus for her arrival. It was both whimsical and practical at the same time. It was a fun car but it was easy to get out of if you were a bride with a large dress!
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
The reception was a lot of fun also. They had their first dance in the ballroom as well as a special dance with their parents. Once those were done, that was when the party started. Let me tell you those bridesmaids were a hoot! They danced with such passion and enthusiasm! They did not let up the whole night! About halfway through the reception it was time to cut the cake. Before they cut the cake the bridesmaids gathered around the cake and grabbed one of the strands of pearls. On the count of three they pulled their strand and found out their fortune. Then the groom came over and cut the cake with the bride. After a lot more dancing came the exit. The guests and wedding party gathered on the porch to send them off with cheers and waving streamers in their hands. It was a beautiful send off to a beautiful wedding.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
I want to thank JJ and Madeleine for the honor of being their wedding photographer. It was such a joy to see two people in love along with friends and family to celebrate that love.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
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