Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
It’s well-known that weddings can be a stressful, emotionally taxing time for brides and grooms. It’s certainly a time where they need their closest friends and family to provide love and support. This doesn’t have to be a big gesture, it can be as simple as a few words. As Atlanta wedding photographers, we’ve picked up a couple key phrases that some that brides and grooms really need to hear.
1) How are you feeling/What do you need?
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
This is a great way to communicate in a way that gives the bride/groom the lead. It let’s them know that if they need to vent or let out fears you’re here to listen or help solve any problems. It will let them know you're here to do whatever they want in whatever way helps them most and it just helps them feel less alone.
2) You look so beautiful/handsome!
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
If a person feels overwhelmed or frustrated, this can help them stop and take a breath. It may seem subtle and unimportant but it can help them feel like one thing has gone right or like they have control over one thing on a day that can get chaotic. Also, who doesn’t want to be told this on their wedding day?
3) You look so happy!
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
Again, this may seem simple but it can have a great impact. It will subtly remind them that the reason for the day is not flowers or music or a dress, but the love they have for each other and the life they’re starting together. It makes happiness the priority and helps the couple put other details in perspective.
4) Today is just the start of the rest of the adventure
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
This is always a great mantra to have. The truth is that no matter how lavish or perfect your ceremony is, the truly important event is everything after: your marriage. Reminding couples of this will reiterate that no matter what, even if everything goes wrong on the day, you will still be married to your love and have a partner for life.
5) I love you!
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
This is one of the most important phrases close friends and family can say. Most of the time, wedding stress comes from couples wanting to please their guests and ensure that everyone has a great time. Saying this phrase, even just once, will help remind the couple that no matter what, whether they have chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet cake, you are there for them.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtitisticWeddings
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