Photography by David Diener and the professional Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
Well it is that time of year again when I, David Diener am teaching a class at Emory Continuing Education. As an Atlanta wedding photographer at AtlantaArtsiticWeddings. I share advice on lighting and what to look for in a good photo.
I think a lot of people get a new camera but sometimes miss the basics. We will start to get to know your camera. Will cover lenses and which ones should be used for instance portraits and what kind of lens should you use for architecture. I will cover the shutter speed and aperture. I will explain how to combine these simple functions of the camera to get the best photos for any situation.
Photography by David Diener and the professional Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
Also as an Atlanta wedding photographer I share insight to real life situations. How to turn up your ISo to shoot under low light situations. How I use a flash for dramatic effects. How to look for the best light for portraits and group photos. How to look for detail shots to tell a story with your photos.
Photography by David Diener and the professional Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
After this the digital photo class, participants will be able to:
Identify aesthetic methods of creating more impactful, involving photographs, including composition techniques, depth-of-field control, and use of patterns, lines, and thoughtful backgrounds
Choose the digital camera controls that enable them to produce the highest quality image files
Practice fine tuning exposures while shooting
Practice choosing options for resolution and digital output for online sharing, images or printing
Explain when and why to use wide-angle vs telephoto lens
Identify how to control White Balance while shooting and in Post-Production
Practice photographing people, both candidly and posed
Evaluate and explain the importance of color saturation in a photograph
Thanks for checking out this Atlanta wedding photographers blog! I hope you enjoyed the read and found it helpful! Make sure you keep coming back to our blog to see what the Atlanta wedding photographers at Atlanta Artistic Weddings get up to! If you’d like to contact me go to the contact page and drop me a line at I would love to hear from you!
Thanks again!
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