Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
This week that I have had off from my regular job I have been reflecting on how to be a better wedding photographer. I got up last night and started reading a book and lit a candle. As the candle burned it coughed and flickered to stay lit. While observing the candle I started to notice the light. It made shadows on the table and illuminated certain things in the close vicinity of the light it was giving off. That reminded me of one of the most important principles in photography which is light. By definition photo means light and graphy means drawing.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
As I look back on my favorite photos, I am reminded of what inspires me. It is always the light. No one says that photo is great because they shot it with the xml mark 5 from Thingamajig. The best photographers always notice the light.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
If you have been following me I have a particular fondness for black and white photography. I love black and white for many reasons. Most importantly it breaks down the image to the simplest form, light and shadows. You start to notice the contrast of lights and darks. Also you get enamored by the subtle grays in between. You look at how the light gives form to the subject, and notice where the light is coming like a window, a door or a sunrise.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
When you start to notice where the light is coming from you notice how it affects the subject. For instance you backlight the subject you get a halo around the subject which gives it a romantic feel. Lighting the subject from the side accents the contours of the subject. When you light it from above the light acts like rain and drapes the subject with light. Lastly, putting the light in front flattens the subject and you start to see how light dissipates with distance.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
Great photography is mastering the basics. Photography is understanding light and exposure, how to use existing light and how to add light when needed, how to over expose and when to underexpose a frame to get the best out of your subject.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
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