Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
Planning your wedding can be a hectic, overwhelming time. While it is one of the happiest occasions of your life, it’s also natural to feel nervous and emotional until the deed is done and the ceremony is over. This is why an amazing support group is so important during this time! Whether they’re in your bridal party or helping with other details, here are a few personality types you’ll want to surround yourself with on your wedding day!
The Proactive Helper
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
There are so many things to do especially on your big day and you can’t be everywhere at once. You’re just one person. The proactive helper is someone who sees a need for something to be done and springs into action. They will offer to meet and guide vendors around the venue, keep track of items like your bridal bag, or help fix or adjust decorations like table centerpieces or the brides dress. It is extremely helpful to have someone who is organized and focused on these physical details, especially on the day of the wedding, so the couple can stay calm and relaxed.
The Positive Emotional Support
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
You are going to be very emotional on your big day, and that’s totally natural. This type of friend will sense your emotions and when you are getting overwhelmed and act accordingly. They are usually a good listener and will be real and honest with you so you can vent to them and let out your feelings. They are also good at sensing what you need, whether it’s talking through your problems until you reach a solution or simply empathizing with you. It is also one of their talents to realize when you need a distraction or cheering up instead of a deep talk. This friend is super trustworthy and just what you need on your big day!
The Guide and Advisor
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
You will also want someone who has been through what you’re going through. Whether it’s your parents, or an older sibling or friend, this is someone who has been married before and been through the stress of planning and organizing. Therefore, they are the best person to give you advice and guidance and help you along. They share their own experiences, whether about their relationship, the mechanics of the ceremony, or any other topic you are curious about, so that you can be better prepared when the time comes. Having an idea of what works and what didn’t ahead of time can be a life saver.
Photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
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