Engagement photography by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
As a Atlanta wedding photographer I love to share insights that could make your planning easier. One of the ways I do it is by simply sharing my information on Google. I have done reviews of many wedding venues in Atlanta and included photos you can see some at https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/106423522943079971761/reviews/@33.93071,-83.8910533,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1?hl=en-US . When you see reviews from me at Google I try to include photos from the wedding location so you can make the decision yourself. I try share as much as I can with people to make their wedding planning easier.
photograph by the Atlanta Wedding Photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
If you have been reading my blogs you will know that I work for a archaeology and historic preservation company. One of my jobs is making maps. I love google maps!! You can easily share lots of great wedding planning information with Atlanta. If you look at the maps I have made below they can help you plan your wedding. You can find historic places of worship. I have also made a map of wedding venues in the Atlanta area.
You can use the maps to plan your wedding by looking at hotels near by your wedding location. You can use the map to send to your fiance so you can talk about the logistics of moving around in such a large city as Atlanta. You can make a map of photo locations in Atlanta that I have shared in previous blog postings. Please feel free to use these maps in any way you see fit for research, logistics and entertainment.
Historic Wedding Venues in Atlanta by AtlantaArtisticWeddings
The map above shows the historic places of worship in Atlanta. They are many historic Synagogues and Christian churches. When you pick a historic place of worship you not only get a historic venue to have your ceremony but also a wedding guild that has experience under their belt for you wedding.
As a Atlanta wedding photographer that works in historic preservation I am partial to the the historic venues in the Atlanta area. I love the historic venues and the charm they bring to your wedding. Each historic wedding venue has its on personality and charm that it can bring your wedding.
Thank you so much for visiting this Atlanta wedding photographers blog. I hope that you find this blog useful. I would love to hear from you. Please drop me a line on my contact page.
Thanks again!
Wedding Venues from AtlantaArtisticWeddings