I want to thank this wonderful couple. They were awesome! They and their guests were from different places all over the country and they decided to have their wedding in Atlanta. I was so happy when they gave me the honor of being their wedding photographer.
Sparkler Wedding Exit
Now I have covered a few times the Sparkler exit. The number one rule on sparklers exits is safety first! Make sure the sparklers are far enough from each other that no one gets burned. You also need a place to safely put your hot sparklers after they go out. A bucket of sand is really good for that. When purchasing your sparklers be sure to get the really long ones so you will have enough time to see all the sparklers lit and the couple has enough time to go through them.
Bubble Exit
When shooting a bubble exit you need to keep a couple of things in mind. One that you have plenty of bubbles. The more bubbles the better. Also keep in mind that bubbles to stay in the air forever. That means that you need to keep the bubbles close to your couple and the couple needs to stay close together to get the shot they want. If you keep the bubbles close to the couple it looks like you have a lot of bubbles and that makes fro a great shot!