Color Bomb fall wedding photo by the Atlanta Wedding photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
What I like about being a Atlanta wedding photographer. As I see other photographers work for inspiration I get to see some wonderful and fun ideas for wedding photographers. I always love to see the trends, locations and styles of all the great Atlanta wedding photographers. I am always looking for fresh ideas and keen eyes.
I had this great bride recently brought up something I have never done before! She was awesome! What she had seen before was wedding color bombs. So I googled wedding color bombs I found these great images I also got some great ideas from pinterest at I suggest looking at the ideas there and they are some stunning images.
Color Bomb with color filters wedding photo by the Atlanta Wedding photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
When a great bride like Brittany gives me an idea I listen!!! When she said she had bought some color bombs. I fearlessly started researching to get the best ideas for her wedding photos. After doing some exhausting research I found a few things out. One thing that you always need to be aware is the light. Such as back lighting or if you are going to shoot at night and use a flash. The big thing I found out was that you need to be aware of wind. If it is going to be a windy day you are going to have a bear of a wedding shoot. The last thing you need to be aware of is the time. The color only burns for about 45 seconds.
Color Bomb wedding photo by the Atlanta Wedding photographers at AtlantaArtisticWeddings
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