Black and White Wedding photography by
If you have been following my posts you know that I have a passion for classic black and white photography. I like they way everything is broken down in a black and white photograph. They are also timeless. Such as this photograph above you don't know if it was shot yesterday or over 50 years ago.
When I was shooting this wedding I saw this window and the light coming in through it, I knew exactly what to do. The bride had a great dress and truly wonderful train. I brought her over to the window and let the light do the rest. I love the shadow the window makes on the floor. It mirrors the bride beautifully.
When looking through photo books or photo blogs I am always attracted to the black and white photographs. They seem to always stand the test of time. They break down the darks and lights and the subtle shades of gray into a wonderful composition. From Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange toJames Nachtwey use the black and white images to their full advantage and break down the image to it's purest form.
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