Don't Panic!!!

by David Diener

As a professional wedding photographer in Atlanta I have seen many things. From rain, late ministers, and wedding cakes that want to fall over. During all of these things one thing has remained constant. The bride and groom got married and everyone at the wedding was understanding and wanted to help in any way possible.

The good thing about a wedding is you are surrounded by people that love you and want to see you succeed. So don't panic when it rains people understand and know how to get out of the rain and not get wet. Also when you see something such as a leaning cake let some one know and they will be glad to help you!

At Atlanta Artistic Weddings I want to see you enjoy your wedding and I want to help you in any way that I can. You can call me at 404-578-6982 and I will be glad to help!

Thanks for visiting!
David Diener