Library of Congress HABS HAER Program | Photography by David Diener

by David Diener

Henry Ford's Richmond Hill Plantation photography by David Diener

As some of you know I have been working with cultural resource firms for the last 20 years.  One of my roles has been as a large format photographer.  During my time as a large format photographer I have had the honor of working on some of the greatest architecture in the United States.  I have recently done several projects for NASA documenting the many historic structures they have there.  I have documented several historic properties from St. Thomas to Pittsburgh.  The photos I have taken go to the Library of Congress and become part of the HABS/HAER collection.  Here is a excerpt from web site.

"The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) collections are among the largest and most heavily used in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. Since 2000, documentation from the Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) has been added to the holdings. The collections document achievements in architecture, engineering, and landscape design in the United States and its territories through a comprehensive range of building types, engineering technologies, and landscapes, including examples as diverse as the Pueblo of Acoma, houses, windmills, one-room schools, the Golden Gate Bridge, and buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Administered since 1933 through cooperative agreements with the National Park Service, the Library of Congress, and the private sector, ongoing programs of the National Park Service have recorded America's built environment in multiformat surveys comprising more than 556,900 measured drawings, large-format photographs, and written histories for more than 38,600 historic structures and sites dating from Pre-Columbian times to the twentieth century. This online presentation of the HABS/HAER/HALS collections includes digitized images of measured drawings, black-and-white photographs, color transparencies, photo captions, written history pages, and supplemental materials. Since the National Park Service's HABS, HAER and HALS programs create new documentation each year, documentation will continue to be added to the online collections. The first phase of digitization of the Historic American Engineering Record collection was made possible by the generous support of the Shell Oil Company Foundation."

Thank you so much for visiting! Please feel free to call me at: (404) 578-6982
and I will be happy to help you in any way that I can.
David Diener 

Recent Photography project in the Virgin Islands

by David Diener

I know it has been a while since I posted.  Recently I have been blessed to be very busy with a lot of diverse photography Projects.  I just came back from Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands.  While there I was doing photo documentation of the historic sites on one of the islands there.  It is an honor to work on such a wonderful and unique project.  Everyone has been so supportive!  Here is a quick photo I took through one of the windows of a house at the project area towards a historic battery there.  I hope you enjoy the photo as much as I enjoyed taking it.

Thank you so much for visiting! Please feel free to call me at
and I will be happy to help you in any way that I can.
David Diener

Atlanta Wedding Photographer Sitll Shooting Film with Large Format Camera!

by David Diener

I hope that everyone has enjoyed the 4th of July weekend!  I wanted to share that I am still shooting film.  I have had the honor of shooting some wonderful pieces of history in the last couple of years.  My latest projects have included documenting several buildings at Cape Canaveral NASA facility that were part of the Space Shuttle Program. 
I have always liked the quality of film and the challenge of shooting with a large format camera.  I have been shooting with a large format Sinar camera with plenty of tilt and swing.  They are capable of getting incredible detail and the film can be kept at the Library of Congress to be shared for generations to come.
I am starting to see some of my photos being published at the library of Congress.  You can go to: and see one of my favorite photos.  I was part of a team that documented Henry Fords Plantation at Richmond Hill Plantation, Georgia.  This particular photo was a long exposure of almost 15 minutes.  It is a photo of the tunnel under the Henry Fords Laboratory that connected to the mansion.
I hope that you enjoy the photo as much as I did taking it.
Thanks so much for visiting!